Review: A Questionable AI Writing Tool

9:00 PM - 10:00 PM   Jun 14, 2023


In today's fast-paced academic world, students are constantly searching for ways to enhance their writing skills and save time on assignments. With the rise of artificial intelligence, various AI writing tools have emerged, claiming to help students generate better essays in less time. One such tool is In this blog, we will provide an in-depth review of, shedding light on its features, design, functionality, and overall value for money.

A Very Basic Design with Non-Intuitive Interface

When it comes to user experience, falls short in several aspects. The tool's design is simplistic, lacking aesthetic appeal and a user-friendly interface. Navigating through the platform can be cumbersome and confusing, especially for new users. The overall user experience is far from intuitive, requiring additional time and effort to understand its functionalities.

Generate Structures and Grammar Mistakes claims to assist users in generating essay structures. While it does provide some basic structure templates, they are often generic and fail to cater to specific essay requirements. Users may find themselves spending more time modifying and adapting these structures to fit their assignments adequately.

Moreover, the AI writing tool is prone to grammar mistakes. Despite claiming to enhance writing quality, sometimes generates content with errors in grammar, punctuation, and sentence structure. Users are therefore required to carefully proofread and edit the generated text, defeating the purpose of saving time.

Plagiarism Checker with Room for Improvement

One of the essential features of any AI writing tool is a reliable plagiarism checker. offers a plagiarism detection feature, albeit with some limitations. While it can identify direct matches of existing content, it struggles to detect paraphrased or reworded sentences. This limitation poses a significant risk to students who rely on the tool's plagiarism checker for academic assignments, as unintentional plagiarism may go unnoticed.

Not a Worthwhile Investment of Money

Considering the drawbacks mentioned above, it is evident that falls short of its promises. The tool's limitations in design, grammar accuracy, plagiarism detection, word count, and customization options make it a subpar choice for students seeking a reliable and efficient AI writing tool. Investing money in may not yield satisfactory results and could even be considered a poor investment.

Statistics Table: User Feedback on

To provide a comprehensive review, we have gathered user feedback on Below is a statistics table summarizing their experiences.

CategoryPositive (%)Neutral (%)Negative (%)

User Satisfaction 25 40 35
Ease of Use 30 45 25
Writing Quality 20 50 30
Plagiarism Checking 40 30 30


In conclusion, fails to live up to its claims of helping students write better essays in less time. Its basic design, non-intuitive interface, limited word count, grammar mistakes, and subpar plagiarism detection raise doubts about its effectiveness as an AI writing tool. Considering the investment required, it would be wise for students to explore alternative options that offer more advanced features and better user experiences.
