Essential Nutrients for Your Cat

10:00 AM - 11:00 AM   Jan 25, 2020

Have you recently adopted a pet or an ESA? If so, then you there are a lot of things that you need to know about taking care of your companion animal. Let’s start with living arrangements. If you are an ESA owner, then all you need is an ESA letter and you can easily live with your furry friend. Now, let’s talk about food. You have to make sure that the food for your cat contains the essential elements required. The following are the essential elements required that should be present in your cat’s food to keep it well-nourished.


Animal protein is the most essential nutrient that should be present in the cat’s food. They are carnivores in nature. That is why they need animal protein to get all the essential amino acids required. These proteins can include beef, chicken, turkey, fish and eggs. Proteins keep your cat healthy and help to keep their claws and fur healthy. There should 95% of the protein present in cat food. If the protein is beef, then there should be 95% beef present.


Fats are another essential element that should be present in the cat’s food. The naturally present fats such as Omega 3 and Omega 6 are known as good fats. These good fats are very important for the health of your cat. Fats are important for your cat as they help maintain the body temperature and also absorb necessary vitamins such as vitamins A, D and K. Therefore, it is necessary that the food should contain Omega 3 and Omega 6 – hence the good fats.


Cats are naturally not very fond of water. But it is an essential component for their body. The reason is that in the past, there was less clean water available for cats in their natural habitat. They have adapted to their changing surroundings by consuming the majority of the water from their food. Water helps in maintaining body temperature and eliminating the toxins from the body. That is the reason canned food is preferable for cats. There is about 78-82% of the water present in canned foods. It is an excellent source for cats to keep their body hydrated. If your emotional support cat does not drink a lot of water, the better option is to give it canned food. Water is an extremely important nutrient and it must be incorporated in your cat’s food one way or another.

Vitamins and Minerals

The important thing to keep in mind is that vitamins should be given to your cat in the right proportion. They are synthesized; that is why finding the right balance is very important for good feline health. Vitamin A is very important for a good immune system. However, excess vitamin A can be harmful to your cat. Vitamin D balances the amount of calcium and phosphorus in the body. It is essential for bones and muscles and their proper functioning. Similarly, minerals are also very important for the pH balance of the body and supply of oxygen to different body parts.

The essential minerals required for your cat include iron, calcium, magnesium, sodium and chloride. Iron is present in excess amount in fish, whole grains and liver. You can get calcium from eggs and dairy products. These were a few nutrients that must be a part of your cat’s food in order to ensure strong feline health. Make sure to check the ingredients before you buy food for your cat but first of all get your esa letter for housing.
