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Subscription Required

This feature requires a Premium subscription

Do you need to restrict access of your public calendar view to only certain people? Select the Sharing option under the Premium tab of the localendar menu.

From this page, you can make the public view of your calendar accessible to anyone, or restrict it to only the localendar menus you specify.

"Wait. So that means that if I want to limit my calendar to 3 people, each one of them has to sign up at"
Correct. They need to create an account at localendar, which is free. Only the calendar owner needs to have a premium subscription.

"Why? Is that just to get you more users?"
In order to protect your calendar, we obviously need to have an id and password for whoever you decide to allow. We need a place for people to create these id's, as well as to request lost passwords and change their passwords. already has all of these features. Rather than duplicate all of this functionality, we've decided to leverage it for this feature.

You aren't required to make people to sign up themselves. Feel free to create their accounts for them from the localendar homepage. Afterward, add them to your Sharing list and then email them the id/password you created. You should recommend they visit localendar to change the initial password you gave them.

Private is still Private

A password protected calendar does not give authorized members the ability to view events you have marked as Private. It just restricts who has access to your calendar's Public view. This view only displays events you have marked as Public on the Event Editor.

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