When you add a public event to your calendar, it will be instantly visible for anyone to see. That's why it's important to Preview an event before you save it to make sure it looks the way you want (don't worry; if you need to edit an event after you've saved it, you can still update it)
Previewing is especially important if you are using custom HTML on your event. The ability to add your own HTML is a powerful way to customize localendar, but it can be dangerous, too. If you add poorly-formed or buggy HTML to an event there is a good chance that the event won't be displayed properly. Even worse, your entire calendar might be shown incorrectly (or not at all!). This is why we strongly recommend Previewing any event that has custom HTML before saving it.
To Preview an event before saving it, just click the Preview button at either the top or bottom of the Event Editor. Your information will be displayed in a pop-up similar to what a visitor will see:
If you don't see any information in the window when you click Preview and you've used custom HTML, then your HTML might contain errors or incorrect syntax. Close the Preview window, double-check your entry, and click Preview again.