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Subscription Required

This feature requires a Premium subscription

Step 1: Navigate to the Export page

Click Export on the Premium tab of the localendar menu
Then click the link in the text, "Looking for a CSV export? You can find it here"

Step 2: Choose a date range

Enter a Start Date and End Date (in MM/DD/YY format) for the range of events to export and click the "Download File" button

The field structure of the exported CSV is below:

Field Name



The title of the event, limited to 400 characters

Start Date

A valid date in the format MM/DD/YY or MM/DD/YYYY

Start Time

A valid time in the format H:MM AM/PM

End Date

A valid date in the format MM/DD/YY or MM/DD/YYYY

End Time

A valid time in the format H:MM AM/PM

All day event

True (or Y) if the event is an All Day Event. Otherwise False (or N)


The description of the event, limited to 2000 characters.


True (or Y) if the event is Private, False (or N) if the event if Public

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