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Click Options on the left menu to access the General options for your account:
There are additional Additional Additional General Options which you can also set from this page. Click here to learn more.

12 or 24-hour time

This setting determines if event times are shown according to a 12 clock (with AM/PM indicator) or in 24 hour format

Display language

Support for changing the language on your public calendar view is currently available from this section. This will determine the language used for month names, abbreviations, etc.

Calendar Title

If you would like a custom title shown above the Month Name on your calendar, enter the text in this box. You can also use this field to enter custom HTML and CSS (See Custom Calendar CSS)

Adding your own images

If you would like to add a custom image or logo to your calendar, you can use HTML in this field (and also the Calendar Footer). For example:

<img src=""/>

is sample HTML syntax for adding a custom graphic. Refer also to Uploading your own Images

Adding your own links

If you would like to add a custom link (for example, from your calendar back to your main website), you can use HTML in this field (and also the Calendar Footer). For example:

<a href="">Return to main site</a>

Calendar Footer

If you would like a custom footer shown below your calendar, enter your text in this box. You can also use this field to enter custom HTML and CSS (See Custom Calendar CSS)

Default Display Styles

The section allows you to select the default display style used whenever a Day, Week, or Month view is presented on your calendar. For examples of the different styles available, refer to the Gallery of Calendar Styles.

Homepage URL

If you are adding your calendar to a web site, you should enter the site's homepage in this field. This will help visitors who find any of your public calendar events via a Search Engine to track the event back to your site for more information.

Allow Visitors to Add Events

Subscription Required

This feature requires at least a Premium Webmaster subscription

Normally, events on your calendar are added exclusively by you - the calendar owner. This setting allows visitors to your public calendar view to contribute new events to your calendar. Use this option to enable visitors to your published calendar to add their own events. There are three choices for this option:

Not Allowed
Visitors to your public calendar will not be allowed to add events.

Visitors may add Public events (immediately visible)
An "Add Event" link will be displayed at the bottom of your public calendar. Visitors may click on this link to enter a new event.
The event will be created as a Public event on your calendar, and will be immediately visible to everyone.

Visitors may add Private events (not visible until you approve)
An "Add Event" link will be displayed at the bottom of your public calendar. Visitors may click on this link to enter a new event.
The event will be created as a Private event on your calendar. This event will not be visible to anyone else until you sign in to localendar, open the event, and switch it from Private to Public (you may also change/delete it).
You can also view all events submitted to your calendar by signing in and navigating to This page makes it easy to approve/reject events in bulk (view sample)

Email Notifications

If you check "Notify me of new events via email", localendar will send you a message when a new event has been created by a visitor. This email serves as a reminder to check an event that was just added (and switch it to Public, if necessary). These emails will come from the account "". Make sure this account is not blocked by your spam filter.

Regardless of the setting you choose, you are always able to Edit or Delete visitor-added events.

Printable View Button

Subscription Required

This feature requires at least a Premium Webmaster subscription

You always have an option to generate a Printable view of your calendar when you are signed in. This setting determines if a Printable View button will be shown at the bottom of your Public calendar view.

Hours Shown on Day-View

Use the From and To drop-downs to control what hours of the day are shown on your calendar's Day View.

Default Event Timezone

If you intend to send out reminders for your events, you should select your timezone from this drop-down. This ensures that your reminder emails are scheduled for delivery based on your local time.

My timezone isn't listed! Now what do I do?

If your timezone isn't in the drop-down, don't check the "Show timezone" box. Timezone is only used if you are sending out event reminders. You should not use reminders if your timezone isn't listed. If you leave the timezone display off, visitors will just assume all events are shown in their local time.

Reminder Defaults

If most of your reminders are sent to the same email addresses, you can enter the defaults in this box. This does not configure your events to automatically send reminders to these addresses. That setting is managed from each event using the Event Editor. This field just pre-populates the Email field(s) on the editor so that you don't have to type the same addresses over and over.

You can always override the default values on the Event Editor when needed. If you have a lot of recipients for reminders, we recommend setting up an email group

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