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Posted by churchatroundrock at Mar 10, 2016, 1:31:53 AM
Multiple dynamic calendars on one page like "Our Town News and Events" example
Local Calendar shows an example of three dynamic calendars on one page. Refer to their example: "Our Town News and Events". I've tried different parameter syntax to achieve this look but to no avail. I end up with just one of the three calendars. What should the syntax look like to incorporate three dynamic calendars on one page? My current syntax is "<SCRIPT src="//localendar.com/public/churchatroundrock?style=D2&include=Y&dynamic=Y"></SCRIPT>". Thank you.

Posted by support at Mar 19, 2016, 2:46:25 PM
Re: Multiple dynamic calendars on one page like "Our Town News and Events" example
To have 3 (or any # of different calendar styles) on the page, you need to include a different section of <script> for each calendar you want published.

If you look at the source for the example calendar, you will see 3 different sections in the HTML where different publish <script> is used to include a different version of the sample calendar.

A current limitation (I think) is also that when you publish multiple calendars (or multiple views of the same calendar) on a page, you must use a different "publish style" for each calendar view. On the sample, I believe the "mini calendar", "fully interactive calendar", and "static embedded" calendar scripts are used for each of the 3 different views. You can use the iframe include style as many times as you want though.
Marc Higgins
Support Associate, localendar.com
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