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Posted by javagrande at Jan 25, 2009, 5:19:04 PM
Calendar gets too big for my space
As I add events to my calendar, the day grows which makes the calendar get bigger and cuts off the bottom of the border. I would like the calendar to stay the same size so the border is all the way around. I would still like to post events that can be seen if the day is clicked on and there needs to be some sort of notification on that day to show there are multiple events.

Posted by SarahGiles at Jan 26, 2009, 9:41:39 AM
Re: Calendar gets too big for my space
It depends on the calendar style you are using. If you are using an embedded calendar, you need to change the height and width values in the HTML you pasted onto your page to accommodate the calendar.

Sarah Giles
Support Associate

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