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  • THU
    Construction CPR/AED/First Aid Course

    Thursday Mar 13
    3 pm - 5 pm

    E.S.C.A.P.E./Amelia Acres, 6153 East O Avenue, Kalamazoo, MI 49048
    6153 E O Ave, Kalamazoo, MI 49048, USA

    Adult CPR/AED and Standard First Aid course for the Construction Industry at our training facility (E.S.C.A.P.E / Amelia Acres - 6153 East O Avenue (East Milham Road off Sprinkle), Kalamazoo, MI 49048-9755).  *Please note the new address and please use the 3rd driveway*  Please enter East O Avenue in your GPS to avoid going to a wrong location.  The training entrance is in the northwest side of the green steel roof building by the pond as you enter the property.

    New December 2024 pricing:

    Cost: $70.00 per person for BOTH CPR/AED & First Aid

    Prepayment is required to reserve your space payable to E.S.C.A.P.E., PO Box 2977, Kalamazoo, MI 49003-2977 Attn: March 13th class - Construction.
    Please either call 269-978-4400 and press option 6 to place your CPR and First Aid reservation and mail a check or register and pay online at https://www.escapeinc.org/course-registration (don't do both).  Course complete cards/certificates will be mailed back to your employer who paid for your enrollment.

    Your phone call and payment will automatically reserve your space in the class.  We will call you back ONLY if the class is full.  If you have questions and need assistance, please call 269-978-4400 ext. 0

  • SAT
    CPR/First Aid Course for Child Care Providers

    Saturday Mar 15
    8:30 am - 12 pm

    E.S.C.A.P.E./Amelia Acres, 6153 East O Avenue, Kalamazoo, MI 49048
    6153 E O Ave, Kalamazoo, MI 49048, USA

    Adult, Child & Infant CPR and Standard First Aid course for Child Care Providers at our training facility (E.S.C.A.P.E / Amelia Acres - 6153 East O Avenue (East Milham Road off Sprinkle), Kalamazoo, MI 49048-9755).  *Please note the new address and please use the 3rd driveway*  Please enter East O Avenue in your GPS to avoid going to a wrong location.  The training entrance is in the northwest side of the green steel roof building by the pond as you enter the property.

    New October 2023 pricing:

    Cost: $70.00 per person for BOTH CPR & First Aid
             $50.00 per person for CPR OR First Aid only

    Payment not received by the day of the training will be charged a $10.00 fee (final price increases to $80 for CPR/FA and $60 for CPR or First Aid).

    Prepayment is required to reserve your space payable to E.S.C.A.P.E., PO Box 2977, Kalamazoo, MI 49003-2977 Attn: March 15th class.
    Please either call 269-978-4400 and press option 6 to place your CPR and First Aid reservation and mail a check or register and pay online at https://www.escapeinc.org/course-registration (don't do both) and remember to bring your self-addressed stamped #10 (letter size) envelope to the class so your course complete card will be mailed back to you
    following the class.

    Your phone call and payment will automatically reserve your space in the class.  We will call you back ONLY if the class is full.  If you have questions and need assistance, please call 269-978-4400 ext. 0

  • MON
    St. Patrick's Day
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