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isName(lcform)) || (! checkPassword(lcform)) || (! checkAgree(lcform)) || (!checkTimezone(lcform)) ){ retval=false; } else { if (lcform.country.value=="USA") retval = checkZip(lcform); else retval = checkCountry(lcform) } return retval; } function checkSelect(lcform){ var w = eval("document." + lcform.name + ".event_category"); var count = 0; for (var x = 0; x < w.length; x++) { if (lcform.event_category[x].checked) { count++ } } if (count == 0 ) { $.Zebra_Dialog("Please select at least one category", { 'type': 'error', 'overlay_opacity': .5, 'title': 'No Categories Selected' }); lcform.event_category[0].focus(); return false; } return true; } function category_check(lcform,pvalue){ var w = eval("document." + lcform.name + ".event_category"); for (var x = 0; x < w.length; x++) { if (pvalue == 'all'){ w[x].checked = true; }else { w[x].checked = false; } } } function popup(info){ var view_window; var lcf; info=info.toUpperCase(); if (info=="HELP") lcf="FAQ"; if (info=="LEGAL") lcf="Legal"; if (info=="A1CLEGAL") lcf="A1CLEGAL"; if (info=="PRIVACY") lcf="Privacy"; if (info=="A1CPRIVACY") lcf="A1CPRIVACY"; // if (info=="PRINTCAL") lcf="PrintableCalendar"; view_window = window.open("/elsie?JSP="+lcf+"&context=None", "localendar", "width=500,height=500,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes"); view_window.focus(); } function popupEventAdd() { view_window = window.open("/elsie?JSP=EventEditorAnon", "localendar", "width=545,height=550,menubar=yes,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes"); } function popupPrintableCalendar() { var view_window = window.open("/elsie?JSP=PrintableCalendar&context=None", "printablelocalendar", "toolbar=yes,menubar=yes,width=700,height=600,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes"); view_window.focus(); } function lc_navjump(p_direction,p_menutype,p_startdate){ window.location.href="/elsie?JSP=Calendar&mode=MONTH_"+p_direction+"&menu_type="+p_menutype+"&start_date="+p_startdate; } function lc_dayjump(p_menutype,p_date){ window.location.href="/elsie?JSP=Calendar&menu_type="+p_menutype+"&start_date="+p_date; } function lc_weekjump(p_menutype,p_date){ window.location.href="/elsie?JSP=Calendar&menu_type="+p_menutype+"&start_date="+p_date; } function lc_monthjump(p_menutype,p_date){ window.location.href="/elsie?JSP=Calendar&menu_type="+p_menutype+"&start_date="+p_date; } function lc_yearjump(p_menutype,p_date){ window.location.href="/elsie?JSP=Calendar&menu_type="+p_menutype+"&start_date="+p_date; } /* function lc_publishjump(p_menutype,p_date,p_calendarid,p_rsslink){ window.location.href="/elsie?JSP=PublishedCalendar&mode=PUBLISH_PUBLIC&search_type="+p_menutype+"&start_date="+p_date+"&calendar_id="+p_calendarid+"&rss_link="+p_rsslink; } */ function lc_searchjump(p_lat,p_lon,p_radius,p_date,p_type){ window.location.href="/elsie?JSP=SearchResults&mode=ADVSEARCH&member_lat="+p_lat+"&member_long="+p_lon+"&radius="+p_radius+"&start_date="+p_date+"&search_type="+p_type; } function lc_pubsearchjump(p_lat,p_lon,p_radius,p_date,p_type){ window.location.href="/elsie?JSP=PublishedSearch&mode=PUBSEARCH&membar_lat="+p_lat+"&member_long="+p_lon+"&radius="+p_radius+"&start_date="+p_date+"&search_type="+p_type; } function HelpWindow(vers){ var view_window; view_window = window.open(('https:' == document.location.protocol ? 'https://' : 'http://')+"www.localendar.com/docs/display/lc"); view_window.title = "FAQ"; view_window.focus(); } function AddEvent(eventDate){ var target = "/elsie?DAM=EventEditor"; if (eventDate!=null){ target+="&eventDate="+eventDate; } window.location.href= target; } function Preferences(){ window.location.href="/elsie?JSP=PreferencesGeneral" } function Search(){ window.location.href="/elsie?JSP=Search" } function PublicEventDetail(m, calendar_id,event_id,more_info,exportDate,category) { if (eventWindow){ eventWindow.close(); } var dualScreenLeft = window.screenLeft != undefined ? window.screenLeft : screen.left; var dualScreenTop = window.screenTop != undefined ? window.screenTop : screen.top; var left = ((screen.width / 2) - (400 / 2)) + dualScreenLeft; var top = ((screen.height / 2) - (510 / 2)) + dualScreenTop; eventWindow = window.open(('https:' == document.location.protocol ? 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Please change your Account name.", { 'type': 'error', 'overlay_opacity': .5, 'title': 'Validation Error' }); lcform.username.select(); lcform.username.focus(); return false; } } } return true; } function isName(lcform) { var str = lcform.username.value; // Return false if name field is blank. if (str == "") { $.Zebra_Dialog("The Account Name is blank.

Please enter your Account name.", { 'type': 'error', 'overlay_opacity': .5, 'title': 'Validation Error' }); lcform.username.focus(); return false; } return checkChangeMemberLogon(lcform); } function isEmail(lcform) { // Return false if e-mail field is blank. var str = lcform.email.value; if (str == "") { $.Zebra_Dialog("The Email Address is blank.

Please enter your email address.", { 'type': 'error', 'overlay_opacity': .5, 'title': 'Validation Error' }); lcform.email.focus(); return false; } // Return false if e-mail field does not contain a '@' and '.' . if (str.indexOf ('@',0) == -1 || str.indexOf ('.',0) == -1){ $.Zebra_Dialog("Please enter a valid email address.", { 'type': 'error', 'overlay_opacity': .5, 'title': 'Validation Error' }); lcform.email.select(); lcform.email.focus(); return false; } return true; } function isLocation(lcform) { // Return false if e-mail field is blank. var str = lcform.member_location_desc.value; if (str == "") { $.Zebra_Dialog("Please enter a valid location.", { 'type': 'error', 'overlay_opacity': .5, 'title': 'Validation Error' }); lcform.member_phys_address.focus(); return false; } return true; } function checkPassword(lcform) { var pw1 = lcform.password.value; var pw2 = lcform.confirmpw.value; // Return false if pw don't match. if (lcform.password.value == "") { $.Zebra_Dialog("The Password field is blank.

Please enter your password.", { 'type': 'error', 'overlay_opacity': .5, 'title': 'Validation Error' }); lcform.password.focus(); return false; } if (lcform.confirmpw.value == "") { $.Zebra_Dialog("The Re-Enter Password field is blank.

Please enter your password again in the Re-Enter Password field.", { 'type': 'error', 'overlay_opacity': .5, 'title': 'Validation Error' }); lcform.confirmpw.focus(); return false; } if (pw1 != pw2) { $.Zebra_Dialog("The Passwords you entered do not match.

Please check your entries.", { 'type': 'error', 'overlay_opacity': .5, 'title': 'Validation Error' }); lcform.password.select(); lcform.password.focus(); return false; } if (pw1.length<6) { $.Zebra_Dialog("Please enter a password that is at least 6 characters long.", { 'type': 'error', 'overlay_opacity': .5, 'title': 'Validation Error' }); lcform.password.select(); lcform.password.focus(); return false; } // Return false if characters are not '0-9' or '.' . for (var i = 0; i < pw1.length; i++) { var ch = pw1.substring(i, i + 1); if (((ch < "a" || "z" < ch) && (ch < "A" || "Z" < ch) && (ch < "0" || "9" < ch)) || ch ==' ' && ch != '.') { if (ch!='_' && ch!='-') { $.Zebra_Dialog("The Password field only accepts letters & numbers (spaces are not allowed).

Please change your password.", { 'type': 'error', 'overlay_opacity': .5, 'title': 'Validation Error' }); lcform.password.select(); lcform.password.focus(); return false; } } } return true; } function checkChangePassword(lcform) { var old_pw = lcform.password.value; var new_pw1 = lcform.newpassword.value; var new_pw2 = lcform.confirmpw.value; if (old_pw == "") { $.Zebra_Dialog("The Password field is blank.

Please enter your password.", { 'type': 'error', 'overlay_opacity': .5, 'title': 'Validation Error' }); lcform.password.focus(); return false; } if (new_pw2 == "") { $.Zebra_Dialog("The Confirm Password field is blank.

Please enter your password again in the Confirm Password field.", { 'type': 'error', 'overlay_opacity': .5, 'title': 'Validation Error' }); lcform.confirmpw.focus(); return false; } if (new_pw1 != new_pw2) { $.Zebra_Dialog("The Passwords you entered do not match.

Please check your entries.", { 'type': 'error', 'overlay_opacity': .5, 'title': 'Validation Error' }); lcform.newpassword.select(); lcform.newpassword.focus(); return false; } if (new_pw1.length<6) { $.Zebra_Dialog("Please enter a password that is at least 6 characters long.", { 'type': 'error', 'overlay_opacity': .5, 'title': 'Validation Error' }); lcform.password.select(); lcform.password.focus(); return false; } // Return false if characters are not '0-9' or '.' . for (var i = 0; i < new_pw1.length; i++) { var ch = new_pw1.substring(i, i + 1); if (((ch < "a" || "z" < ch) && (ch < "A" || "Z" < ch) && (ch < "0" || "9" < ch)) || ch ==' ' && ch != '.') { if (ch!='_' && ch!='-') { $.Zebra_Dialog("The Password field only accepts letters & numbers (spaces are not allowed).

Please change your password.", { 'type': 'error', 'overlay_opacity': .5, 'title': 'Validation Error' }); lcform.newpassword.select(); lcform.newpassword.focus(); return false; } } } return true; } function checkAgree(lcform) { if (!lcform.agree.checked) { $.Zebra_Dialog("Please indicate that you accept the Terms of Service", { 'type': 'warning', 'overlay_opacity': .5, 'title': 'Message' }); lcform.agree.focus(); return false; } return true; } function EditEvent(event_id,event_public,repeatsCode,eventDate) { if (repeatsCode!=null && repeatsCode!="N") { $.Zebra_Dialog('This is a repeating event. Do you want to edit the series, or just this occurrence?', { 'type': 'question', 'overlay_opacity': .5, 'title': 'Edit Repeating Event', 'buttons': ['Edit the Series','Edit this Occurrence'], 'onClose': function(caption) { if (caption=="Edit the Series") window.location.href="/elsie?DAM=EventEditor&event_id="+event_id+"&public_event="+event_public; else if (caption=="Edit this Occurrence") window.location.href="/elsie?DAM=EventEditor&event_id="+event_id+"&public_event="+event_public+"&occur=Y&odate="+eventDate; } }); } else window.location.href="/elsie?DAM=EventEditor&event_id="+event_id+"&public_event="+event_public; } function getRestaurants(zipcode) { var view_window; view_window = window.open("http://www.usrg.com/script/nearzip.asp?ZIP="+zipcode,"localendar","width=800,height=500,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes"); view_window.focus(); } function trim(strValue) { var intLoop=0; for(intLoop=0; intLoop=0; intLoop=strValue.length-1) { if(strValue.charAt(intLoop)==" ") strValue=strValue.substring(0,intLoop); else break; } return strValue; } function AnonAddInfo() { var view_window; view_window = window.open("/elsie?JSP=AnonAddInfo", "localendar", "width=475,height=565,scrollbars=no,resizable=yes"); view_window.focus(); } // Geo-Encoding functions function hideGeoAlerts(panel){ var prefix = ""; if (panel==0){ // Event Location prefix="event"; } else if (panel==1){ // Weather Location prefix="weather"; } else if (panel==2){ // Member Location prefix="member" } $("#"+prefix+"_location_chooser").hide(); $("#"+prefix+"_location_valid").hide(); $("#"+prefix+"_location_invalid").hide(); $("#"+prefix+"_location_none").hide(); $("#"+prefix+"_lat").val(""); $("#"+prefix+"_long").val(""); $("#"+prefix+"_location_desc").val(""); } function geocodeAddress(panel){ var prefix = ""; if (panel==0){ // Event Location prefix="event"; } else if (panel==1){ // Weather Location prefix="weather"; } else if (panel==2){ // Member Location prefix="member" } hideGeoAlerts(panel); $("#"+prefix+"_geoList").empty(); var address = $("#"+prefix+"_phys_address").val(); jQuery.support.cors = true; $.getJSON("https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/geocode/json",{address:address,sensor:"false"}, function(data) { if (data.results.length>0) { geoData = data; if (geoData.results.length>1){ $("#"+prefix+"_geoList").append($("") .attr("value",-1) .text("-- Please select --") ); } for (i=0;i") .attr("value",i) .text(data.results[i].formatted_address) ); } } else { geoData=null; } if (geoData==null){ $("#"+prefix+"_location_none").show(); } else if (geoData.results.length==1){ storeLatLong({value:"0"},panel) $("#"+prefix+"_location_valid").show(); } else if (geoData.results.length>1) { $("#"+prefix+"_location_chooser").show(); } }); } function storeLatLong(obj,panel){ var prefix = ""; if (panel==0){ // Event Location prefix="event"; } else if (panel==1){ // Weather Location prefix="weather"; } else if (panel==2){ // Member Location prefix="member" } if (obj.value==-1){ $("#"+prefix+"_location_valid").hide(); $("#"+prefix+"_lat").val(""); $("#"+prefix+"_long").val(""); $("#"+prefix+"_location_desc").val(""); } else { $("#"+prefix+"_lat").val(geoData.results[obj.value].geometry.location.lat); $("#"+prefix+"_long").val(geoData.results[obj.value].geometry.location.lng); var desc = $("#"+prefix+"_geoList option:selected").text(); if (""==desc){ desc = $("#"+prefix+"_phys_address").val(); } $("#"+prefix+"_location_desc").val(desc); $("#"+prefix+"_location_valid").html("Location valid
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'); document.write("") document.write("
Today's Programs
Powerful Parents Session 1 (12 pm - 1 pm)
D&D Crew (6 pm - 7:30 pm)
Powerful Parents Session 2 (7 pm - 8 pm)
") document.write("
Coming Up
") document.write("
") document.write("") document.write("
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"); document.write("
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