Shake Russell's Live Shows
| 7 pm - 9 pm McGonigel's Mucky Duck
I'll be back at the Duck on the 1st of March along with Anthony Klonaris. Mark your calendar and make your reservations! Always a fun night! |
| 8 pm - 11 pm Poor David's Pub Anniversary Show
Shake Russell and Michael Hearne will be kicking off the 48th Anniversary Party Weekend of Poor David's Pub. A can't miss show! Doors open 7:30 PM. Come early for parking! There will be cake! |
| 11 pm - 12 am Saturday March 29th 2nd Annual BBD in Bryan, TX
Michael Hearne, Shake Russell, Anthony Klonaris, along with Don Richmond will be playing Saturday afternnon about 1:15 to start off the day and other musicians will be joining in. Shake and Michael will kick it off and then be joined with the greatest band! Going to be a great Saturday at the BBD in Bryan. |
Come on out and see Shake Russell and Michael Hearne |
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