About this example
This sample shows a localendar mini-calendar on the lefthand panel. Cute, isn't it? You use our Publish Wizard to create the
HTML for this widget, then paste it right onto your site. As you can see, it can be customized to perfectly fit any look and feel required.
When a visitor clicks on a highlighted date, a pop-up will appear showing the events that occur on that day. Click away from the popup, or on the
small close-box in the upper right to close it.
What do all these nonsense word mean?
It's just random text to make this example look more interesting.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
Vivamus nec sapien in sem hendrerit accumsan. Mauris in eros quis ligula fringilla vulputate at ac diam. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et
magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Sed vitae tellus ut est interdum semper. Donec eu sem non urna sollicitudin consectetur
vel id enim. Nunc sed tortor id nisl elementum condimentum ut id eros. Mauris in sem mauris. Vestibulum quis consectetur est. Phasellus quis
egestas nisl.
Nunc pellentesque