| March 2024 | |
JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec |
Sun | Mon | Tue | Wed | Thu | Fri | Sat |
| 26
Otter citizen science | DCWA newsltter | STEM sisters | 11 am - 12 pm Ohio River priorities | 6 pm - 8 pm KV master naturalist orientation |
| 27
Best practices for pollinators | Canaan volunteer monitors needed | 9 am - 12 pm Heizer Creek cleanup | 10 am - 11 am Three Rs of QAPPs | 7 pm - 8 pm Ohio River priorities |
| 28
Best practices for pollinators | 2 pm - 3 pm Effective nutrient management | 2 pm - 3 pm Ohio River priorities |
| 29
Best practices for pollinators | ICPB events | Potomac News Reservoir | 1 pm - 2 pm Ohio River priorities |
| March 1
Ward Hollow Wildlife Habitat | Wastewater Access Gap Program | Mayfly Project | ACWA weekly wrap | Trees for streambanks | Woodlore weekend |
| 2
Vernal pool monitoring workshop | Class Q fishing | Woodlore weekend | 10 am - 12 pm PVAS volunteer workday |
| 4
Canyon Rim Visitor Center | TOW survey | Cheat Fest coming soon | 12:30 pm - 1:15 pm G3 Program virtual office hours |
| 5
Cultivate WV | Federal community development |
| 6
3 pm - 4:30 pm Principles of collaborative fundraising | 3 pm - 4:30 pm Collaborative fundraising |
| 7
Coliform webinar series | Potomac News Reservoir | River Runs Through This |
| 8
| 9
Daylight Saving (Start)
Groundwater awareness week |
| 11
Leatherwood Creek improvements | WV Forest and Drinking Water Forum | Clean water mural tour |
| 12
ICPRB business meeting | 3 pm - 4 pm 5th climate assessment | 3 pm - 4 pm WaterTA for States |
| 13
EPA P2 grants | River Voices |
| 14
WV Riviers policy news | Tapping into federal funding | Potomac News Reservoir |
| 15
Conservation application deadline | WVDNR CitSci surveys | ACWA weekly wrap | Notice of funding opportunities |
| 16
Vernal pool monitoring workshop | Morris Creek herp survey |
St. Patrick's Day
1 pm - 3 pm Watershed walk |
| 18
Treating AMD in the Buckhannon River | Economic Development for AMLs | 1 pm - 2 pm GIS drone training |
| 19
1 pm - 2 pm GIS drone training |
| 20
1 pm - 2 pm GIS drone training | 1 pm - 2:30 pm Successes for dam removal and fish passage |
| 21
Ag workshop registration deadline | Celebrate Earth Day with WVDEP and the Clay Center | Potomac News Reservoir | BRWA newsletter | River Runs Through This |
| 22
WV Recycling Directory | WVDEP World Water Day |
| 23
Vernal pool monitoring workshop | Lost River cleanup | 8:30 am - 12:30 pm DCWA Cleanup |
2 pm - 4 pm Composting 101 |
| 25
Fecal coliform webinar series |
| 26
Agricultural workshop | 1 pm - 2 pm EPA grants - competitive process | 3:30 pm - 5 pm Solutions for climate resilience |
| 27
WV WaterNet | Smithsonian interactive earh map |
| 28
Walk in the woods events | Potomac News Reservoir | Flood resiliency survey | 1 pm - 2:30 pm RFP - Healthy Watersheds Grant Program |
| 29
7 pm - 8:30 pm Woodcock walk |
| 30
| 1
April Fool's Day
Reed Creel tree plantings | Save Our Streams workshop | 8 am - 9 am Spring Nature Fling |
| 2
Wild Yard workshops | Hellbender/Mudpuppy surveys |
| 3
| 4
WV Rural Partners Network |
| 5
Camp free to Make-It-Shine | ACWA weekly wrap | River Runs Through This |
| 6
Camp free to Make-It-Shine | 9 am - 12 pm St Albans Make-It-Shine | 9 am - 12 pm FODC Make-It-Shine | 9 am - 1 pm Kanawha City/South Hills cleanup | 9 am - 12 pm Little Kanawha trail cleanup | 10 am - 2 pm Cheat River Narrows cleanup |