| December 2024 | |
JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec |
Sun | Mon | Tue | Wed | Thu | Fri | Sat |
First Sunday of Advent
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9 am - 10 am Maximum One Mastermind Monday's - PINNACLE/WEST METRO - In Branch | 9:30 am - 10:30 am Virtual - MX1 Franchise-Wide Mastermind | 10:30 am - 11:30 am Agent Accountability - POWERS FERRY/EAST COBB - Virtual |
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9:30 am - 12:30 pm IN BRANCH - The Code of Ethics - Our Promise of Professionalism - FREE 3 HR CE - GREC #62963 - AIRPORT SOUTH | 10 am - 1 pm VIRTUAL - The Ultimate Personal Branding Masterclass - FREE 3 HR CE - GREC# 69574 |
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9:30 am - 12:30 pm IN BRANCH - Effective Negotiating - FREE 3 HR CE - GREC #63248 - FAYETTEVILLE | 10 am - 11:30 am MX1 Staff Meeting |
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9:30 am - 12:30 pm IN BRANCH - GAR Contract Dissection FEATURING Changes to 2025 GAR Forms - GREC # 59854 - FREE 3 HR CE - CONYERS/EAST METRO | 10 am - 1 pm IN BRANCH - The Code of Ethics: Our Promise of Professionalism - GREC #62963 - FREE 3 HR CE - NORTH FORSYTH |
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Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day
Broker on Duty: Tracy Barb - Tracy@MaxOnePlatinum.com |
Feast of the Immaculate Conception
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9 am - 10 am Maximum One Mastermind Monday's - PINNACLE/WEST METRO - In Branch | 9:30 am - 12:30 pm VIRTUAL - GAR Contract Dissection - FEATURING Changes to 2025 GAR Forms - FREE 3 HR CE - GREC#59854 | 9:30 am - 10:30 am Virtual - MX1 Franchise-Wide Mastermind | 10 am - 1 pm IN BRANCH - Legal Edge - 2025 GAR Contract Changes - FREE 3 HR CE - DULUTH | 10:30 am - 11:30 am Agent Accountability - POWERS FERRY/EAST COBB - Virtual |
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10 am - 1 pm VIRTUAL - (NEW Regulations in 2025) How to Leverage Business Credit and Get Access to Working Capital - FREE 3 HR CE - GREC Course #71544 | 10 am - 1 pm VIRTUAL - Mortgage 101: Facts About Mortgages - FREE 3 Hr CE - GREC #70376 | 10 am - 1 pm IN BRANCH - Code of Ethics: Our Promise of Professionalism GREC # 62963 - 3 HR FREE CE - EMERSON | 10 am - 1 pm VIRTUAL - Legal Edge - 2025 GAR Contract Changes - FREE 3 HR CE |
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9:30 am - 12:30 pm IN BRANCH - Path to Success: Business Planning for the Real Estate Professional - GREC #65143 - MCDONOUGH | 11 am - 12:30 pm Holiday Party - Northwest Metro / Powers Ferry | 1 pm - 4 pm IN BRANCH - License Law for Agents & Brokers - FREE 3 HR CE - GREC #65208 - ROME |
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9:30 am - 12:30 pm IN BRANCH - GAR Contract Dissection FEATURING Changes to 2025 GAR Forms - GREC # 59854 - FREE 3 HR CE - NEWNAN | 10 am - 1 pm VIRTUAL - (NEW Regulations in 2025) The Game of Credit: There IS Power - FREE 3 HR CE - GREC #71546 | 10 am - 1 pm IN BRANCH - Consumer Journeys: Connecting with Consumers as People Who Need a Home - FREE 3 HR CE - WEST METRO | 10 am - 1 pm IN BRANCH - The Code of Ethics: Our Promise of Professionalism - GREC #62963 - FREE 3 HR CE - POWERS FERRY/EAST COBB | 10 am - 1 pm VIRTUAL - The Ultimate Video Marketing Masterclass - FREE 3 HR CE GREC #70077 | 6 pm - 9 pm IN BRANCH - Cambios de Contratos GAR 2025 PRESENCIAL - FREE 3 HR CE - DULUTH |
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Broker on Duty: Dana Sparks - Dana@MaximumOneRealty.com | 10 am - 1 pm IN BRANCH - Legal Edge - 2025 GAR Contract Changes - FREE 3 HR CE - DULUTH |
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9 am - 10 am Maximum One Mastermind Monday's - PINNACLE/WEST METRO - In Branch | 9:30 am - 10:30 am Virtual - MX1 Franchise-Wide Mastermind | 10 am - 1 pm IN BRANCH - Andy Hartman Teaching GAR Contract Dissection - FEATURING Changes to 2025 GAR Forms - FREE 3 HR CE - GREC#59854 - POWERS FERRY/EAST COBB | 10:30 am - 11:30 am Agent Accountability - POWERS FERRY/EAST COBB - Virtual |
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9:30 am - 12:30 pm IN BRANCH - GAR Contract Dissection FEATURING Changes to 2025 GAR Forms - GREC # 59854 - FREE 3 HR CE - AIRPORT SOUTH | 9:30 am - 12:30 pm IN BRANCH - The Code of Ethics - Our Promise of Professionalism - FREE 3 HR CE - GREC #62963 - CONYERS/EAST METRO | 10 am - 1 pm IN BRANCH - GAR Contract Dissection FEATURING Changes to 2025 GAR Forms - GREC # 59854 - FREE 3 HR CE - EMERSON | 10 am - 1 pm IN BRANCH - GAR Contract Dissection FEATURING Changes to 2025 GAR Forms - GREC # 59854 - FREE 3 HR CE - NORTH FORSYTH | 10 am - 11 am Make Floor Plan for FREE - Live Webinar - FMLS Cubi Casa | 11 am - 1:30 pm Holiday Party for All Agents of the MX1 Pinnacle/West Metro - Tequila Restaurant in Dallas, GA | 6 pm - 9 pm IN BRANCH - SPANISH - Codigo de Etica -The Code of Ethics: Our Promise of Professionalism - GREC #62963 - FREE 3 HR CE - DULUTH |
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10 am - 1 pm IN BRANCH - Amee Davis Teaching GAR Contract Dissection FEATURING Changes to 2025 GAR Forms - GREC #59854 - FREE 3 HR CE - WEST METRO/PINNACLE | 10 am - 1 pm IN BRANCH & VIRTUAL - STIPS THAT STICK - How to Mean What You Thought You Said - Free 3 HR CE - ROME | 1 pm - 2 pm Business Builders with Shafrtitz & Dean - Live Webinar | 1 pm - 4 pm IN BRANCH - Cambios de Contratos GAR 2025 PRESENCIAL - FREE 3 HR CE - DULUTH |
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9:30 am - 12:30 pm IN BRANCH - Path to Success: Business Planning for the Real Estate Professional - GREC #65143 - CARROLLTON | 10 am - 1 pm IN BRANCH - Consumer Journeys: Connecting with Consumers as People Who Need a Home - FREE 3 HR CE - POWERS FERRY/EAST COBB | 10 am - 1 pm IN BRANCH - The Code of Ethics: Our Promise of Professionalism - GREC #62963 - FREE 3 HR CE - DULUTH |
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10 am - 1 pm IN BRANCH - $15.00 for non members - GAR Contract Dissection FEATURING Changes to 2025 GAR Forms - GREC # 59854 - FREE 3 HR CE - METRO SOUTH ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS |
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Broker on Duty: Kim Howard - Compliance@eAGENTweb.com &/Or Support@MyMaximumOne.com |
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9 am - 10 am Maximum One Mastermind Monday's - PINNACLE/WEST METRO - In Branch | 9:30 am - 10:30 am Virtual - MX1 Franchise-Wide Mastermind | 10:30 am - 11:30 am Agent Accountability - POWERS FERRY/EAST COBB - Virtual |
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Christmas Eve
Maximum One Offices Closing at 1p - Merry Christmas! |
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Christmas Day
Maximum One Offices Closed - Merry Christmas! |
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MX1 Greater Atlanta Offices Opening at 1pm |
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Broker on Duty: Neal Matheson - Neal@MaxOnePremier.com |
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9 am - 10 am Maximum One Mastermind Monday's - PINNACLE/WEST METRO - In Branch | 9:30 am - 10:30 am Virtual - MX1 Franchise-Wide Mastermind | 10:30 am - 11:30 am Agent Accountability - POWERS FERRY/EAST COBB - Virtual |
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New Year's Day
Happy New Year! - MX1 Offices Closed |
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Last Day of Chanukah
Happy New Year! - MX1 Greater Atlanta Offices Opening at 1pm |
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10 am - 11 am Broker on Duty: Ming & Alan Richardson - Ming@MaxOnePartners.com or Alan@MaxOnePartners.com |