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Posted by namicc at Feb 16, 2021, 12:14:18 AM
Mini Calendar not working
I am having problems adding mini calendar to new Bootstrap 4 website I am working on.

It works fin on this page - https://namicontracosta.org/test/minicalendar.html . It has just the calendar. However it will not work on either of the following pages with design added to it-
https://namicontracosta.org[url=/test/test.html https://namicontracosta.org/test/index-static.html]/test/test.html[/url]

I am at a total loss. HTML coding is correct (did W3C validator). Any help is appreciated.

Posted by support at Feb 16, 2021, 4:26:32 PM
Re: Mini Calendar not working
The main difference between the working page and 2 non-working ones appear to be in the <head> section of the pages.

I would selectively simplify this section until I found which issue was preventing the calendar from working (alternatively: Selectively add sections to your page that already works until something breaks it)

Please report back with your findings. If we can make localendar more flexible/adaptable from our side, we'll do what we can.

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Marc Higgins
Support Associate, localendar.com
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