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Posted by tomcat61939 at Mar 25, 2021, 8:53:48 PM
Why are columns various widths on some PC's
I notice that the columns one of my PC's are narrow and wide and some are just slits if nothing scheduled that day. Why and how can it be changed?

Posted by support at Mar 26, 2021, 5:45:20 PM
Re: Why are columns various widths on some PC's
The calendar will try and size itself proportionally to the space available.
If space is limited, it will still try and do this, but if you have event titles that have long words or other punctuation that localendar doesn't know how to clearly break onto a new line, then those columns will remain larger while empty columns will shrink.

What I would suggest is making sure to have some whitespace (which will be used to break lines) in your longer event titles.

If you'd like to provide a link to the page where your calendar is published, I'd be happy to give more specific advice.
Marc Higgins
Support Associate, localendar.com
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