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Posted by carthagelegion at Sep 16, 2021, 5:12:25 PM
Arrows showing as a block
We are using localendar at www.carthageamericanlegion.org/calendar.htm. For an unknown reason, when viewing the month display the right arrow at the top to advance to the next month is showing up as a block rather than an arrow. The left arrow is fine. This is also showing correctly on the localendar site when setting it up. Anyone have an idea on how to remedy this? Thanks.

Posted by support at Sep 19, 2021, 6:42:58 PM
Re: Arrows showing as a block
It appears that your calendar is actually getting clipped on the right side. So not only is the "pointy" part of the arrow being cut off, you might notice the Saturday column is being chopped as well.

It appears your calendar is being included via a static iframe of width 700. I made this 900 and everything was fine (it could probably be a little smaller)

As an alternative, you could also use our dynamic iframe, which should make fiddling with the #s unnecessary. One thing that happens when you use a fixed-sized iframe is that the calendar might get cut off at the bottom if you have a month with a lot of events)

You can generate the HTML for the dynamic iframe using our Publish Wizard (the button is on the left menu when you're signed in)
Marc Higgins
Support Associate, localendar.com
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