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Posted by AtwellWilson at Mar 29, 2024, 12:00:06 PM
Display of event categories in embedded calendars inconsistent
I have several custom categories for my events. When I embed a year view calendar and select specific categories all is well and only those categories show, but in other views (monthly etc.) all categories are shown, even thouogh only specific ones are selected. Is the a problem with the html code, the way I have entered events or with localendar itself? How can I resolve this?

Posted by support at Apr 2, 2024, 2:13:18 AM
Re: Display of event categories in embedded calendars inconsistent
Can you provide a link to the site where you've published the different embedded styles?

A separate question: Are you filtering on one particular calendar view (i.e. year) and then navigating to a different calendar view (i.e., month) and asking why the category filter from the previous view is not "remembered" ?
Marc Higgins
Support Associate, localendar.com
Follow us on Twitter! http://www.twitter.com/localendar_news

Posted by AtwellWilson at Apr 22, 2024, 9:16:17 AM
Re: Display of event categories in embedded calendars inconsistent
Hi - Sorry about the delay. The website is www.atwellwilson.org.uk
There is a calendar (today and coming soon) on the the home page and two year view (different categories) on the what's on page. The two year view show their categories correctly but the today and coming soon shows all categories, even though it should be filtered. These is another calendar in the member's area (but it is password protected). I have found that the year view seems to be the only one that correctly filters - other views show all categories despite the filters being set.
I am not changing views by navigating to the calendar and when creating the embed link I always check tha the viltering code is there.

Posted by support at Apr 23, 2024, 8:23:11 PM
Re: Display of event categories in embedded calendars inconsistent
Hmm.. It seems to be working correctly when I look at it.
For today (4/23) on the home page, the only event I see is "Classic Car Evening Gathering (4 pm - 9 pm)" on Wed, May 22. That calendar view is filtered to category code 100

When I look at the page with the 2 separate year views, on the left (which is also filtered to category code 100) I see the same event on May 22. So the homepage view and the year-view (on the left) both agree, and each is filtered on the same category.

The year view on the right shows different events. Not the one on May 22. And it is filtered on category code 102

None of the 3 views seems to show all of the categories together.

If I browse to just https://localendar.com/public/AtwellWilson (with no category filtering) I do see all the May events on the same page (as expected)
Marc Higgins
Support Associate, localendar.com
Follow us on Twitter! http://www.twitter.com/localendar_news

Posted by AtwellWilson at May 5, 2024, 3:00:15 PM
Re: Display of event categories in embedded calendars inconsistent

The calendars on the What's On page (the two year view ones) work fine.

The Today and coming soon view on the home page is showing only the one entry (in the filtered category) but there are no other entires in the date range covered. When there were entries in other categories they also seemed to show.

On the Member's Area (which is unfortunately password protected) there is a month view with the html code

<iframe src="//localendar.com/public/AtwellWilson?categories=101&style=M6" height=600 width=700 marginheight=0 marginwidth=0 scrolling=yes frameborder=0 border=0></iframe>

This is showing entries from multiple categories (can't see how to attach a screen clip to show this and don't want to release a password on a public forum!).

The problem seems affect any view except the year view, which is fine.


Posted by AtwellWilson at May 5, 2024, 3:06:16 PM
Re: Display of event categories in embedded calendars inconsistent
Actually the Today and coming soon does now seem to be OK, it seems to only be the month view that behaves oddly.

Posted by AtwellWilson at May 5, 2024, 5:08:36 PM
Re: Display of event categories in embedded calendars inconsistent
More details. It seems the month view shows correctly when the webpage is first viewed but if I move on a month then all categories show, not just the filtered one, and moving back to the current month again shows all categories. Is this avoidable?

Posted by support at May 7, 2024, 9:23:18 PM
Re: Display of event categories in embedded calendars inconsistent
Are we still looking at the https://localendar.com/public/AtwellWilson calendar?

I looked a few months into the past and the future, and I didn't see any events, so I could not replicate your issue with the category filtering.

Just working from memory though.. I think the calendar should "remember" what categories are filtered when you move between months... however I think once you visit a different view of the calendar the filter may be "reset".
Marc Higgins
Support Associate, localendar.com
Follow us on Twitter! http://www.twitter.com/localendar_news

Posted by AtwellWilson at May 8, 2024, 4:07:10 PM
Re: Display of event categories in embedded calendars inconsistent
That's bizarre - I just looked and can see several events. That's the right calendar and I used the link in your post to view the calendar.

The issue I can see definitely seems to be related to not remembering categories when moving between months. I knew it wouldn't keep the filters between different views.

I don't know if there is an issue with my embedded code (which was auto generated by the publish feature).

Posted by AtwellWilson at Jun 3, 2024, 7:47:14 PM
Re: Display of event categories in embedded calendars inconsistent
Still having the same problem. Seems to affect all embedded voews that have forward/back arrows. Using the arriows to move forward or back always seems to make all categories appear, not just the ones set in the filter.

Is there any way of preventing this as it makes the categories feature rather useless on embedded calendars?

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