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Posted by listing801 at Apr 11, 2007, 7:21:32 AM
confused   I am trying to understand...
I really love these calendars and they serve (for the most part) what we are looking for.

So the thing I cannot understand is why localendar has such poor support? You have a great product but poor service will ruin it every time.

I'm really not trying to be difficult, but could someone explain why it is so difficult for anyone at localendar to contact us? I've read other customers have the same problem, so I know it's not just me. Could someone explain please? Thanks.

Posted by support at Apr 11, 2007, 9:13:30 AM
Re: I am trying to understand...
You have 18 different calendars, and as I have already responded numerous times; the subscription is already active for listing801.

Each time you encounter an issue and post to several threads and open multiple cases, you slow down our ability to respond to everyone. When multiple people interact with us in this fashion, it becomes exponentially worse.

As I have stated in the past; we focus first on solving the actual problem and then responding to the user request. In your case, your subscription was verified to have been successfully activated immediately. So we moved on to the next actual problem.

In the end, I suspect we will discover that the ads you are seeing are because you are mistakenly looking at one of your other 17 calendars, which is not something support could know.
Marc Higgins
Support Associate, localendar.com
Follow us on Twitter! http://www.twitter.com/localendar_news

Posted by listing801 at Apr 16, 2007, 5:45:56 AM
Re: I am trying to understand...
<You have 18 different calendars, and as I have already responded numerous times; the subscription is already active for listing801.>

What does that have to do with anything? I only have ONE PAID subscription.

< Each time you encounter an issue and post to several threads and open multiple cases, you slow down our ability to respond to everyone. When multiple people interact with us in this fashion, it becomes exponentially worse. >

The multiple threads were sent after receving NO RESPONSES to any posts, e-mails, or contact forms. If it takes weeks for a response, it would be helpful if you told us that.

< As I have stated in the past; we focus first on solving the actual problem and then responding to the user request. In your case, your subscription was verified to have been successfully activated immediately. So we moved on to the next actual problem. >

It was NOT activated immediately. That's absolutely FALSE. I was led to beleive that the account would be activated immeidately. It was NOT. The initial problem was that the account wasn't activated and then days later when it finally was, the ads were still showing. When the account was not activated right away and not knowing your company, within less than 24 hours after activation, I requested a refund. NO RESPONSE for days.

< In the end, I suspect we will discover that the ads you are seeing are because you are mistakenly looking at one of your other 17 calendars, which is not something support could know. >

That's pretty insulting. I'm not "mistakenly looking at one of the other 17 calendars". I KNOW EXACTLY WHAT I'M LOOKING AT. I'm not some 100 year old that can't figure it out. I'm not some idiot that happened to fall into your website a week ago. I've had calendars for years.

Yes, there are a lot of calendars only because we are NOT able to delete them. If you will delete some of the calendars, I would be HAPPY to let you know which ones to delete.

As I mentioned before in various e-mails, posts, etc., I checked 3 different computers; cleared cache (EVERY night when we shut down our computers); sent the link to friends in New Jersey, California, Tennessee, and Michigan and ALL SAW the ads.

Now, here's the BIGGEST IRONY OF ALL! I FINALLY got a refund (yeah!) but was asked why I didn't request a refund. Huh??? I requested less than 24 hours of being activated.

But...here's the BEST PART of ALL. Now that my account has been canceled, THERE'S NO ADS!!!!

Posted by support at Apr 17, 2007, 2:43:56 PM
Re: I am trying to understand...
B/c you filed a dispute with PayPal, they may chose to extend a refund. That is at their discretion.

As I stated, I have checked listing801 multiple times and ads were never shown. I fully suspect you were either looking at a different calendar, or had not configured your browser to *not* cache pages.

Regarding the multiple posts; I can accurately state once again that the multiple messages by members on the same topic only delay the response time for everyone.

Since your subscription has been cancelled by PayPal, you can expect to shortly see ads again on your listing801 calendar.
Marc Higgins
Support Associate, localendar.com
Follow us on Twitter! http://www.twitter.com/localendar_news

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