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Posted by CrossStrung at Jan 9, 2014, 6:03:56 AM
Time Zones
I host a band website. We currently have a google calendar that we sync to all members iphones and also embedded in our website. I have an issue with time zones which i can not find a solution to so I merged the google calendar with Localendar hoping that I would not have the same issue however not the case. Here is my problem

We often have shows in different time zones. I want to be able to input a time for a gig and have the calendar simply display what I input not anything that has been adjusted for my current time zone or their local time zone. i think most people are going to assume that any time posted will be in the time zone that the event will be held in.

When I enter the time through ical it makes me put a time and time zone which is fine i just want them to be displayed on my website correctly and not all in one time zone.

Is there any way to do this that I just haven't discovered yet.


Posted by support at Jan 10, 2014, 2:56:51 AM
Re: Time Zones
Funny, before we supported timezones we would always say the same thing:
Why do you need a timezone on your calendar? People will just assume it's in their local time.
(Of course, as soon as we supported importing calendars, Timezones became a necessity)

Your localendar calendar could still work this way. I'm talking about just entering the events there directly instead of using Google. Sure - the events will still have an implicit timezone, but you don't have to show it anywhere. As you say - people will just assume it's always their local time.
Marc Higgins
Support Associate, localendar.com
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