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Edit this Post   How are ads screened and determined appropriate for posting? Reply to this Post
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I am concerned that the ads on the calendar are inappropriate for our website. I do not mind ads, however, I would like to know how you screen ads for calendars. How do you control keeping "gay chatrooms" and such off a child safety website? Please advise your procedures for standard and premium packages, as I see that with premium ads are still shown. Thank you.
[Mar 27, 2007, 9:35:29 PM] [] Show Post Printable Version [Link] Report threatening post: please login first  Go to top 
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Ads should not be shown with premium subscriptions, so please let me know if you are experiencing (or have observed) otherwise.

Google AdSense serves our ads, and they use their "secret sauce" to parse your page content and display relevant ads.

It is against Google policy to host any ads with "pornography, adult, or mature content".

There was an instance when, for some reason, ads for a gun vendor were shown on a school's calendar. In this case, there was probably an event on the calendar that caused this information to appear. Before we could even contact Google, the ad was taken down, so I'd like to believe their controls work.
Marc Higgins
Support Associate, localendar.com
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[Mar 30, 2007, 4:33:25 PM] [] Show Post Printable Version [Link] Report threatening post: please login first  Go to top 
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