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Edit this Post   Cancel Subscription and refund request Reply to this Post
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There needs to be an easier method of canceling a subscription service. I have sent numerous e-mails via the contact button and have received no response. I was charged 29.00 on April 6th via paypal and I had already issued a cancellation post previously. My next step is to start a class action suit with the Federal Trade Commission. It is more than just $29.00. The site was great for what I needed and served me well. The cancellation method needs to be updated/changed. Please refund the monies and cancel the subscription. At the very least acknowledge receipt of this post. It is frustrating to not be able to speak with a representative or have ANY contact other than a forum to post.
[Apr 9, 2007, 8:58:01 AM] [] Show Post Printable Version [Link] Report threatening post: please login first  Go to top 
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I have to say.. the customer service may be a little slow, but they have definitely taken steps to correct the issue I had.
[Apr 10, 2007, 3:16:09 PM] [] Show Post Printable Version [Link] Report threatening post: please login first  Go to top 
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Marc Higgins
Support Associate, localendar.com
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[Apr 10, 2007, 3:45:36 PM] [] Show Post Printable Version [Link] Report threatening post: please login first  Go to top 
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Same problem. I did finally get an e-mail from someone named Matt but he has not responded in over a week. help! I really like the calendars but am baffled why there is no customer service response. I have something like 5-6 ticket numbers. Why no customer servce?
[Apr 11, 2007, 7:10:49 AM] [] Show Post Printable Version [Link] Report threatening post: please login first  Go to top 
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You're not the only one to have trouble cancelling this service.
Despite my cancellation last year, localendar debited my account again this year.
After no response WHATSOEVER from ANYONE at localendar, I contacted PayPal. They informed me how to cancel this "subscription", but localendar STILL won't refund my money.
The website I had linked to localendar no longer exists, but localendar is determined to keep my money.

Beware new subscribers! Localendar does not respond to e-mails, addressed to either "sales" or "support" if it has to do with "subscriptions". angry
[Jun 20, 2007, 1:30:55 PM] [] Show Post Printable Version [Link] Report threatening post: please login first  Go to top 
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Ummm... Again; regarding your emails - if you read the auto-response, you would see that you need to use the "Contact Us" form. And if you read the guidelines on that page.....

I need your PayPal transaction or subscription ID to issue a refund. If you would like to provide that rather than spreading your colorful messages, I could assist you.
Marc Higgins
Support Associate, localendar.com
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[Jun 22, 2007, 11:42:03 PM] [] Show Post Printable Version [Link] Report threatening post: please login first  Go to top 
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