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localendar Expert
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Apologies to our wix users out there. We tried, we really did.
But the Wix team is being completely arbitrary in what they allow in their app store (and you thought Apple was inconsistent!)

Our full reasons for withdrawing our app from consideration are posted to the wix developer forums:


It's too bad, because we really built something nice for them. Hopefully they'll come to their senses at some point.

Weebly users take heart! When Weebly announces their app store, we will try again.
Marc Higgins
Support Associate, localendar.com
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[Jul 23, 2013, 3:58:25 PM] [] Show Post Printable Version [Link] Report threatening post: please login first  Go to top 
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Well, Wix decided to hide our message on their forums. I think it shows their immaturity to block critical concerns or comments (I would like to think we aren't guilty of that here). For what it's worth, here's what was posted:

At localendar.com, we've been serving web calendars for over 13 years. And we already have a significant number of wix users manually including our HTML on their sites. The idea of a plugin seemed like a no-brainer to us, so we invested the time to create something we were very proud of. As of today, we are withdrawing our application from wix. I'm including a few screenshots of what wix users will miss out on.

Here's what happened: Like the Google Calendar plugin on wix, we don't let you edit events. You have to use your localendar account. No problem. we thought, that's what wix does with Google (and other sites like Instagram and Tumblr). However, we were finally told:

"You shouldn't compare yourself to Google Calendar or Instagram." and "Those are well known companies/apps, that most of our users already have an account there, so the connect account without management dashboard on our side make sense"

In other words, wix is saying there is one set of rules if you are Google, Instagram, etc, and another set of rules if you are not. Did I mention that the Google Calendar plugin doesn't even work correctly (it clips event titles, disables pop-up descriptions, etc). But that's OK b/c to quote Wix, "This is a well-known company". In other words, if you can't fit your entire app into an iframe for wix, good luck. This guarantees wix will never have apps of any real significance.

I would advise teams to strongly contemplate the inconsistencies in the wix app store approval process before allocating resources to develop code for it. Remember, in their own words, you can't compare yourself to the apps they already have.

-- Mike Ogrinz

Btw, The "now-enforced" wix colorpicker? We had to correct a number of bugs it contains (like starting with a pre-selected color). Does the wix-authored Google widget eat their own dogfood? No - they use different code. So we even went so far as to fix wix code and it wasn't enough.

Here are some other arbitrary things we were told (with our responses below)

>>You should let the user customize the color and size of the modal.
I do not see this functionality on the Google Calendar or other plugins; so we do not see why the wix team is imposing special app requirements on our site.
BTW, you can customize the color when you are entering the events at localendar.

>>You should make color picker layout more attractive and easy to use
We would love to be able to do this. However, since you cannot control where the pop-ups appear for the main color or the "All Colors" popup, we had to layout the window in a manner so that the wix pop-ups would not be clipped. Can we use our own widget?

>>In General the app is too complicated
We have almost the exact same configuration screen as the wix Google Calendar widget (which was created by wix.com). The only difference is we have a few more color options, and a few more view styles. (see Settings screenshot below)

I guess when you are headed for an IPO, you want to stifle anything that doesn't make you look good.
Marc Higgins
Support Associate, localendar.com
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[Jul 26, 2013, 3:05:35 PM] [] Show Post Printable Version [Link] Report threatening post: please login first  Go to top 

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I know this is quite an old post but since it confused us at the first read, we thought it is important to precise that localendar works perfectly with wix websites and embedded calendars via html. We actually much prefer using the code provided by localendar and tuning through localendar website than going through a wix app.
[Dec 19, 2014, 5:34:13 AM] [] Show Post Printable Version [Link] Report threatening post: please login first  Go to top 
localendar Expert
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Thanks for the positive comments. In case it's wasn't clear from that old post, you can embed localendar's own HTML in wix, and publish your calendar that way.

We are not offering a native localendar widget in the wix app store though, due to a number of issues trying to deal with that company.
Marc Higgins
Support Associate, localendar.com
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[Jan 7, 2015, 6:04:39 PM] [] Show Post Printable Version [Link] Report threatening post: please login first  Go to top 
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