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I would love to see two things:

I am using localendar to manage sports events in a school and it is great at allowing members of the public to submit events that can then be approved.

However, one the event is approved and it appears on the public calendar, if that person then changes an event there is no verification. So they can submit an event, it gets approved, then they can change the date and time and no-one will notice. What i would like to see is an email if an event is altered and an email after an event is approved and made public.

Following on from that. Once an event has been made public and an email has been sent to the user it would be great if I could put some links in that email, like catering and car parking forms.

At the moment I run a script on the form so that before they press submit they can click on email links and their details get emailed to certain people, but this should only really happen after approval of the event so it would be great to get confirmation that an event has gone public through a website link in an email, and the ability to add my own scripts to that website so that I can style it, and add HTML, CSS and Javascript to match the submit form that I have altered.

They already see the edit event form through a link, it would be great if I could add my own code to this page.
[May 11, 2015, 11:02:21 AM] [] Show Post Printable Version [Link] Report threatening post: please login first  Go to top 
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To your first issue: If you have "Notify me of new events via email" and "Events remain hidden until I approve them", I believe that you will be notified if a member goes back and changes an event. Please let me know if this is not your experience.

Following on from that. Once an event has been made public and an email has been sent to the user it would be great if I could put some links in that email, like catering and car parking forms.

We have a section for "Common Event Information" under Options. Would that do what you want? I am not sure what functionality you describe when you write "and an email has been sent to the user" since we don't send an email to the event creator once it's made public.

Afraid I don't quite track this either:
>At the moment I run a script on the form...

Perhaps if you could be a little more specific I could provide a better response. For starters, I am not sure if you are trying to communicate more with the event creator, or visitors who would see this event.
Marc Higgins
Support Associate, localendar.com
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[May 11, 2015, 3:55:23 PM] [] Show Post Printable Version [Link] Report threatening post: please login first  Go to top 
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Thank you for your reply. I apologize for my message previously. I didn't have time to proof read it and I am amazed that you didn't just write it off as Spam. I shall try explain my suggestion a bit better this time.

I have set up a calendar to manage events in my school. I have saved a copy of the page that members of the public use to submit events and placed it on our computer network. I have also added a few extra elements such as drop down boxes to generate titles so that when people are filling in the details they follow a consistent format. When a teacher completes the event details the event is submitted and checked by a more senior person before it makes its way onto the website (Make it public). At this point it would be nice if the teacher who submitted the event received an email to say that the event has been approved, in the same way that they receive an email after they have posted an event with a link to edit the event. Otherwise a teacher might submit an event and would have to keep checking the public calendar to see if it has been made public.

My second suggestion is after the a teacher has submitted an event. They receive a link to a page so that they can go back and change the event. It would be nice if I could put a message or links onto this page. That way, if they do want to alter their event I could put a link to the current calendar so that they could check for clashes, or a link to catering to remind them to alter the booking with them, or possibly put some css on their to give it our school colours, or javaScript to load information from other sources to make life easier for the teacher if they want to change the details. http://www.localendar.com/edit/?key= This would be the page that I would like an option to add my own code too if possible.

I hope that this makes more sense and might be something that you think would be useful? I know I certainly would.
[May 12, 2015, 10:32:45 AM] [] Show Post Printable Version [Link] Report threatening post: please login first  Go to top 
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>I am amazed that you didn't just write it off as Spam
ha ha, never ;)

OK - I completely understand both of these items now, and I'm going to add them to our internal list. No promises on time-frame, but we have an open issue now about "private notes" for public events, and at least your 2nd suggestion seems to dovetail nicely with that one.
Marc Higgins
Support Associate, localendar.com
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[May 13, 2015, 6:32:42 PM] [] Show Post Printable Version [Link] Report threatening post: please login first  Go to top 
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